Tuesday, November 13, 2007

This is my very first blog posting on this site.


The purpose for my blog is that I want to learn as much as I can about the public relations field over the next few months to better prepare myself for entering the job market. In short--I want to be a mean, lean, pr-knowledge machine!

I have posed a challenged to myself, and with your help, I hope to get the most out of it that I can. For the past two-years I have been studying public relations and am ready to put to use everything that I have learned. I want to completely engage myself in everything PR and learn as much as I can about this field--and along the way share my experiences with you.

I will be looking for help and advice, tid-bits on how I can better further myself in this experiment. I am doing this on behalf of all the fresh PR students/grads who are looking for practical advice and insight on how to get started in this field. In such, I hope to engage the inexperienced with the experienced, the young with the older, the naive with the wise.

How I hope to go about this slightly daunting task:

I will read newspapers (daily. and not just Metro). I will join professional associations and attend as many professional development events as possible. I will network whenever and with whomever. I will read as many articles, books, journals on PR, networking, and communications as I can (know any good ones?)

As I fumble my way around, I will share everything I learn on this blog, in hopes that I can help other befuddled students (such as myself!) along the way.

Any other suggestions on ways to go about starting this experiment?

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