Friday, February 22, 2008

Another Good-bye

So, firstly I realize that it's been awhile since I've posted anything here. I got really caught up in the moment of my blog then after posting it got caught up in school and this feel to the wayside. So my apologizes first! Now, I know its probably not the most correct writing thing, but I'm going to have this posting as a goodbye post. Today is my last day as a college student in my program, and I guess at the same time as a student. Reading week is next week and then after that I start my placement at Hill and Knowlton, which I am extremely excited for. But for now, I want to reminisce on my experiences that I've had as a public relations student at Algonquin.

I came to Algonquin after finishing my mass communications degree, and wasn't really sure what I wanted to do with my life. I didn't feel ready to go into the workplace, and wasn't sure if I wanted to be back in school. With some encouragement from my Mom (thanks Mom) I enrolled in pr at Algonquin, which has probably been the best decision of my life. Looking back at my experiences here, I am overwhelmed with the things I have learned as a student and as a person. I have learned responsibility, dedication, and found my true passion. I cannot say enough about my fellow colleagues and the amazing teachers here at the school. I have not been anywhere else where I can drop into a teachers office, call them by their first name, and chat about whatever. Their support is amazing.

Looking back at all we've accomplished, I can't help but feel a little nostalgic on how fast the time has flown by. I definitely believe that I am a different person for coming into this program (for the better!) and am going to miss my friends, teachers, and life lessons learned here. It's a little scary knowing that I'll never be a student again, and I have no idea what the future holds, but I'm excited to find out. I'm hoping that with hard work, I'll get a job offer at Hill and Knowlton (please, please, please!) So we'll see what happens. I promise this time to do a better job of updating!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mention how smart, capable and charming the H&K Digital guys are. They follow everything written about themselves online. Mention Brendan and Dave often.

Seriously, all the best and good luck. Welcome to the team.